Category: Blog

Change your Mindset to (FINALLY) Accomplish Your Goals!

It’s hard to believe we’re already almost two months into the new year. It seems like 2019 just began and here we are – at the literal middle of Q1. As business owners, we likely start most new years with new, big, goals – plans for change and success that will transform our business in […]

How Switching to Virtual Meetings Can Save You Time and...

Meetings are a “must” no matter what industry you are in and no matter what you “do” for a living. Yet, many people believe meetings are unnecessary or an intrusion, leading to the common question, “Do we really need to meet?”. The bottom line is that meetings often seem like a waste of time and […]

Reinvigorate Your Professional Creativity and Watch Your Business Thrive

As children, most all of us were creative to some extent. Usually, this creativity was driven not by a desire to be an “artist,” but rather to explore the unknown and embrace new, exciting, experiences. Moving through life, we often find this creativity peak and wane – going up and down – at different times. […]

Time Management & Productivity Help? There’s Most Certainly an App...

Do More. Be More. Get More Done. It seems that is constantly and consistently what is expected of us as business owners, partners, and parents. Yet, we only have so much time, right? We can’t create more time, right? No, we can’t create more time. But maybe, just maybe… we CAN find more time. Today, […]

Time Management: Become a Master of Your Time and ACHIEVE...

Time management—it can either be a business owner’s secret weapon if done well or downfall if done poorly, or not at all. Simply put, our time is limited and thus, we must learn to manage it strategically and wisely if we want to achieve success in our businesses, and even in our lives. How is […]

Getting Organized: Why It’s So Important for Business Owners

Business owners take on a role of balancing numerous roles and tasks, which must be done efficiently and effectively. It’s more-than-easy for the to-do list of a business owner to become exceptionally long, which can become frustrating. Tasks pile up, paperwork gets misplaced, and time is wasted looking for information that could be easily accessed. […]

A Different Kind of Fatigue: The Impact of Decision Fatigue...

Ever feel like your day is decision, after decision, after decision? And then even MORE decisions? As business owners, leaders, and even managers, we can’t avoid decisions. They are a critical part of the fabric of our roles and responsibilities. Yet, do you ever wonder if your decisions are right? The best choice for the […]

How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Decision Making in Business?

Time is at a premium for nearly everyone. It might even be one of our most valuable resources we “own”—personally and professionally. Today, society and even work, seems to operate on a 24-hour schedule. This puts a lot of pressure and tremendous demands on us… mind, body and soul. Such a schedule also limits the […]

Funding Your Business: Make It or Raise It?

Every startup founder constantly has money on their mind. Do we have enough? Do I need to raise more? How far can I take my business with this amount? Funding is a main priority for anyone who starts and/or runs a company. Success is often dependent, if not measured, by the startup amount of funding […]

What is a TRIBE and why do I need one?

A photograph of people standing in a circle all piling hands in the center.

A tribe is a group of people that surround you, giving you encouragement and support, while you follow your dreams. In business, as Seth Godin outlined in his best-selling book “Tribes,” it is also a dedicated group of fans and followers who want a leader to engage them in a movement that allows them community […]